07 MAY 2024
Transforming Supermarket Management: How AI is Revolutionizing Gross Margin Visibility
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In the heart of the United States, where the aisles of supermarkets bustle with activity, a silent revolution is underway. Behind the scenes, innovative technologies are reshaping the way supermarkets manage their operations, from inventory management to ad planning. At the forefront of this transformation is PUZL, a visionary USA company pioneering AI-based solutions designed to automate gross margin management and weekly ad planning processes. This is the captivating tale of how our custom software engineering firm partnered with PUZL to redefine the future of supermarket management.Inception: The Quest for Strategic Alliances

Our journey begins with a challenge as vast as the supermarket landscape itself: how to revolutionize supermarket management through the power of AI and deep tech solutions. PUZL, a forward-thinking USA-based company, had developed a groundbreaking platform designed to automate gross margin management and ad planning processes for supermarkets. However, they faced a critical need for a strategic technology partner to help bring their vision to life.Engineering Excellence: From Concept to Reality

Enter our custom software engineering firm, poised and ready to tackle the challenge head-on. Led by a team of IT engineers, including full-stack, AI, and QA specialists, we embarked on a journey of collaboration and innovation. Working closely with PUZL's team, we delved deep into the intricacies of their business, understanding the underlying logic and rules that would drive the development of their solution.

Our tech stack was as diverse as it was powerful, incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as C++, Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow, YOLO, Keras, React, and the Spring Framework. Leveraging the latest advancements in AI and deep learning, we developed a product roadmap and executed it with precision and expertise. From the creation of an MVP to the release of several further versions, we worked hand in hand with PUZL to bring their vision to life.A Chronicle of Success

As our partnership flourished, so too did the impact of our collaboration. Through the automation of supplier-store ordering processes, PUZL was able to streamline operations and improve efficiency across the board. Their product solved critical stock issues such as out-of-stock items, price compliance, and misplaced stock items, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for customers.

But perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of our solution was the inclusion of an ad manager powered by an AI-driven margin calculation engine. By harnessing the power of AI to predict sales volumes and optimize ad planning, PUZL was able to maximize their gross margins and drive profitability like never before.Expert Insights:

"In the ever-evolving landscape of AI and deep tech solutions, collaboration is the key to success. By fostering strong partnerships and embracing innovation, we empower businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital world."- Artak Chopuryan, CEO at zealous™"At the heart of every successful project lies a commitment to excellence and a passion for innovation. By combining technical expertise with a deep understanding of our clients' needs, we transform ideas into reality and pave the way for a brighter future."- Anjela, Software Engineering Director at zealous™Pioneering the Future of Supermarket ManagementAs our journey draws to a close, we reflect on the transformative power of AI and deep tech solutions in the world of supermarket management. Through our collaboration with PUZL, we have reshaped the way supermarkets operate, paving the way for a future where innovation knows no bounds.At zealous™, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, one line of code at a time. Join us on our quest for innovation and excellence, and together, let's unlock the full potential of AI and deep tech solutions in the world of business.

  • Retail

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Revolutionizing Automotive Manufacturing Through Data Analytics
08 MAY 2024

Revolutionizing Automotive Manufacturing Through Data Analytics

In the heart of the United States, where the hum of engines and the roar of progress echo through the streets, lies a story of innovation and transformation. At the forefront is one of the top three global automotive manufacturers, a titan in the industry renowned for its commitment to excellence and innovation. Their mission? To push the boundaries of possibility and redefine the future of automotive manufacturing through the power of data analytics.Unveiling Hidden Insights Our story begins with a challenge as vast as the open road: how to gain a deeper understanding of customer usage patterns and preferences in the ever-evolving landscape of automotive manufacturing. Armed with a wealth of data from onboard telematics devices, our client sought to uncover real-life patterns of truck usage, from light to heavy vehicles, buses, and beyond. The goal was clear: to harness the power of data analytics to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and pave the way for future innovations.From Concept to Reality Enter our custom software engineering firm, poised and ready to tackle the challenge head-on. With a keen eye for innovation and a passion for problem-solving, our team set out to develop a proof of concept solution that would revolutionize the way our client approached data analytics. Leveraging a powerful tech stack including Python, PySpark, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Databricks, and Tableau, we embarked on a journey of discovery and transformation.Our solution was as elegant as it was effective: custom algorithms designed to aggregate and filter vast amounts of data, providing our client with actionable insights into truck routes, utilization patterns, and more. By merging this data with other sources, such as electric charging station locations, we were able to paint a comprehensive picture of customer usage patterns and preferences, empowering our client to make informed decisions and drive innovation forward.A Tale of Achievements As our partnership flourished, so too did the impact of our collaboration. With our proof of concept solution in hand, our client gained a newfound understanding of their trucks' utilization patterns, allowing them to tailor vehicle configurations to better fit their customers' needs. But the impact went beyond mere optimization; armed with our insights, our client was able to explore new horizons, from the integration of electric and autonomous drive vehicles to the identification of suitable roads and charging stations.Expert Insights:"In the world of data analytics, the possibilities are endless. By harnessing the power of data, we empower our clients to uncover hidden insights, drive innovation, and shape the future of their industries."- Areg Gareginyan, Chief Architect at zealous™"At the heart of every successful data analytics project lies a commitment to collaboration, innovation, and excellence. By working hand in hand with our clients, we turn challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality."- Anjela, Software Engineering Director at zealous™Driving Towards a Brighter Future As our journey draws to a close, we reflect on the transformative power of data analytics and innovation. Together with our client, we have rewritten the rules of automotive manufacturing, paving the way for a future where data-driven insights drive progress and shape the world around us. As we look to the horizon, we stand ready to embark on new adventures, armed with a shared vision of a brighter, more connected future.At zealous™, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, one data point at a time. Join us on our quest for innovation and excellence, and together, let's drive towards a brighter, more data-driven future.