AR/VR Solutions for Automotive Marketing Department
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A Fortune 100 automotive company embarked on a quest to incorporate innovative AR/VR technology into its marketing department, aiming to transform how customers engage with their vehicles.In response to the client's needs, we crafted multiple state-of-the-art solutions designed to revolutionize the automotive marketing landscape. This included the development of custom-designed iOS and Android applications equipped with unique user interfaces, smooth transitions, and detailed analytics, all supported by a tailor-made CMS and asset management system. Furthermore, we created a versatile VR/AR framework for effective content management, featuring sophisticated recognition and tracking algorithms. An Asset Management Framework was also implemented, enhancing remote database access, multithreading, and caching capabilities, thereby ensuring a rich and interactive user experience.Tasked with the development of mobile applications built upon an early-stage VR/AR framework, our team faced the challenge of transforming this prototype into a viable product for the automotive industry. Our success in this venture led to the introduction of AR/VR solutions that significantly elevated the client's marketing strategy, offering an innovative way to showcase vehicles and engage with customers.The initiative resulted in a breakthrough in the marketing department's approach to vehicle promotion, leveraging augmented reality to create immersive and interactive customer experiences. This project not only showcased our ability to navigate and deliver on complex technical requirements but also established a new standard for interactive marketing within the automotive sector.Used Tech Stack: C++, Objective-C, Java, C#, Unity, Wikitude, MetalO, OpenGL, OpenCV, iOS & Android native frameworks
