In-Home Physical Therapy Platform
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A forward-thinking USA company specializing in personalized in-home physical therapy. Aimed at redefining patient care, they sought a digital solution to streamline the interaction between patients, clinicians, and administrators, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of physical therapy services delivered in the comfort of the patient's home.We designed and developed a comprehensive administration platform hosted on a robust cloud infrastructure, employing cutting-edge technologies. In parallel, we crafted mobile applications equipped with core functionalities to facilitate seamless communication and coordination among administrators and clinicians. This setup ensures the optimal matching of clinicians to patients based on crucial criteria such as location, availability, and specialization, significantly improving service personalization and accessibility.The challenge was to automate and optimize the client's business processes, creating a fluid workflow among clinicians, patients, and agents. Our solution materialized as an administration platform that revolutionizes how physical therapy services are managed and delivered. Key features include sophisticated account and list management for agencies and clinicians, smart clinician selection via geolocation, efficient interaction through chat, and comprehensive tracking and reporting capabilities. Additionally, the iOS and Android mobile apps we developed empower clinicians with tools for managing patient visits and foster direct communication with administrators, ensuring high-quality care and operational excellence.Used Tech Stack: AWS, Meteor.js, MongoDB, Elastic Search, React-admin, Twillio, Kibana, React Native, Async storage, Redux, Figma, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

Healthcare and Wellness